2nd Announcement and Call for Abstracts
On June 12th and 13th, the UCLA Institute for Planets and Exoplanets (iPLEX) will host a two day interdisciplinary conference on the nature, distribution, origin and evolution of frozen volatiles and organics in the inner solar system. Topics will include:
• Polar ice and permafrost on planets and asteroids
• Delivery of terrestrial planet atmospheres and oceans
• Water and organics in comets
• Liquid water habitats in the inner solar system
The conference format will include summary talks as well as contributed papers, with time set aside for discussion and questions. Attendance is limited to 60 participants. Final deadline for abstract submission is May 25th.
Meeting Logistics
The conference will take place on the UCLA campus. Information regarding meeting location, transportation, and accommodations can be found on the Logistics Page. Guests are advised to book their accommodations early, as hotels are expected to fill up due to the UCLA graduation ceremony occurring the same week.
Registration and Abstract Submission
There is a $75 registration fee. Registration is compulsory for all attendees and can be accessed by clicking on the link below. Once you have entered your information, you will be provided with a link to an optional abstract upload page. Abstracts should be in .pdf format with maximum length of one page.
[button link=”https://commerce.cashnet.com/IPLEX” color=”teal”]Registration[/button]
Please contact iplex_conferences@ess.ucla.edu if you have questions or comments.
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