This meeting is being held to follow-up on last years’ UCLA@JPL Planets day, and will be held on the UCLA campus on Monday, June 11. The idea behind these meetings is to improve science contacts between UCLA and JPL. The ultimate goal is a bridging organization (modeled on JIFRESSE but operationally different from it) that will make it easy and natural for scientists at one institution to spend science time at the other, so building stronger relations.
The meeting will consist of:
• brief overviews of current planetary and exoplanet research themes at UCLA
• interactions with UCLA planetary graduate students and postdocs
• tours of several laboratories in the Departments of Earth & Space and Physics and Astronomy.
Lunch will be provided and the arrival and departure times are selected to avoid traffic.
Please email David Jewitt if you have ideas, suggestions or requests for this meeting or for enhancing JPL-UCLA interactions.
SPECIAL NOTE: A separate, two-day conference on “Ices and Organics in the Inner Solar System” will be held at UCLA on June 12 and 13. If you are interested in this conference and wish to receive follow-up emails, please indicate so here.
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