First Joint JPL-UCLA Planetary Science Workshop Announced


We are extremely happy to announce that JPL and UCLA have agreed upon a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) “to enable collaboration in the planetary sciences between UCLA and JPL to promote the stature, visibility, and excellence of the field…by facilitating interactions among scientists and students at both institutions.”

To mark this occasion, we are celebrating with a collaborative science workshop to be held from 10am-4pm on Wednesday, May 27th, 2015 at UCLA.  The meeting will include the joint signing of the MOU at 3pm by UCLA’s Senior Dean Joe Rudnick and JPL’s Chief Scientist Dan McCleese.

This first collaborative meeting under the auspices of the MOU will be of broad planetary scientific scope.  In addition to invited talks from each institution, we seek posters and discussion on planets, exoplanets, small bodies, space physics, and related areas, particularly as pertinent to broadening partnerships between researchers and students at the two institutions.

Registration is free at:

Catered lunch will be provided for those who register by May 15th.



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