When energetic particles from powerful solar storms impact Earth’s magnetic field, the results can be explosive. NASA’s THEMIS and ARTEMIS spacecraft measured the massive amount of energy released during one such substorm. “The amount of power converted was comparable to the electric power generation from all power plants on Earth — and it went on for over 30 minutes,” said Professor Vassilis Angelopoulos, the principal investigator for the mission. “The amount of energy released was equivalent to a 7.1 Richter-scale earthquake.” Their results, published in a recent paper in the journal science, may help scientists better understand the cause of these space weather events and the resulting hazards to satellites in orbit.
To read more about this discovery, visit the UCLA Newsroom.
The UCLA Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences and the Institute for Planets and Exoplanets are proud to announce the first annual Earth and Space Sciences lecture series to be held during the Exploring Your Universe event on Sunday, November 17th, 2013. Each fun-filled talk will be a half hour long, and will be given in Geology 3656 by scientists at the forefront of the Earth, planetary and space science fields. We recommend you arrive ten minutes early to make sure you get a seat.
EYU 2013 Lecture Schedule in Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences (3656 Geology)
Long ago, scientists discovered that when a compass points north on Earth, it is not actually pointing to the North Pole. The axis of Earth’s magnetic field is tilted away from the axis that the planet spins about. Every planet in our solar system with a magnetic field follows this rule, except one: Saturn.
When fourth-year graduate student Hao Cao came to UCLA, his advisor, Professor Chris Russell, presented him the opportunity to study data from NASA’s Cassini mission. Arriving at Saturn in 2004, Cassini has been orbiting the planet ever since, measuring Saturn’s magnetic field, among many other things. Cao wondered, “What does the magnetic field tell us about Saturn?”
To answer that question, Cao needed to determine how Saturn’s magnetic field is generated. The sixth planet from the Sun, Saturn is a gas giant composed primarily of hydrogen, the simplest and most abundant of elements in the universe. Inside Saturn, where pressure is a million times greater than at Earth’s surface, hydrogen is thought to exist as liquid metal. The turbulent motions of this electrically conductive hydrogen are what give rise to the magnetic field of Saturn. But metallic hydrogen is also responsible for producing the tilted magnetic field on Jupiter. Cao knew he had to look deeper.
He began contemplating the rocky core that may exist deep in the heart of Saturn, which could shape the metallic hydrogen layer that lies above it. “Zonal winds that move across the planet could reach deep inside the planet and influence the shape of the magnetic field being generated by the metallic hydrogen layer,” said Cao. As a result of these interactions, Cao has produced the best size estimate of Saturn’s core to date. Twice the size and ten times the mass of Earth, but only 1/5th the size of Saturn, this core is the first to be assessed using magnetic field data.
Recently, Cao has begun trying to explain Mercury’s puzzling asymmetric magnetic field using information from NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft. “When you study a place like Saturn or Mercury, there are many things you learn for the first time,” said Cao. Beyond magnetic field research, Cao is interested in many aspects of planetary science. “Dynamo studies are only part of understanding planets. Formation, internal structure, and dynamics are all related – it’s not an isolated problem,” he said.
Watch a video profile of Hao Cao here. Learn more about his research here.
We have long known about the great diversity of types of planets found within the solar system. Thanks to the continuing discovery and characterization of exoplanets, we now know that bulk planetary properties and system architectures also vary significantly between planetary systems. In this talk, I will discuss some of the possible origins of both intra- and inter-system planetary diversity, and explain how protoplanetary disk observations can be used to directly observe these origins. In particular, I’ll focus on how spectroscopic observations across a wide range of wavelengths are allowing us for the first time to study the chemical make-up of disks, and to test our understanding of processes such as the condensation sequence and the freeze-out of ices at snow lines.
Using images captured by NASA’s STEREO spacecraft, UCLA Prof. David Jewitt and researcher Jing Li have detected a comet-like tail around the asteroid Phaethon. The iconic plumes of comets are normally created when cometary ice sublimates in the heat of the Sun, creating a dusty tail. However, Phaethon’s orbit takes it so close to the Sun that all the ice should have been completely scorched away long ago. Instead, Phaethon’s dust tail may have originated from dry, disintegrated rock on the surface of the asteroid pushed into space by solar radiation. Learn more about this recent discovery here.
UCLA Professor David Paige will join Bill Nye (the Science Guy) to provide live commentary during the LADEE mission launch on Friday, September 6th, at 7:30pm PST. The event, sponsored by the Planetary Society, will be broadcast live on KPCC. The LADEE (Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer) mission will orbit the Moon for approximately 100 days to collect information about its atmosphere and the lunar dust environment. Tune in to learn more about this exciting mission!
Professor David Jewitt weighs in on the recent discovery of an asteroid-like object traveling in the same planetary orbit as Uranus. Read more about the discovery, published in the journal Science, in this LA Times article.
A topographic false-color map of Mars including some of the largest volcanoes and the largest canyon in the solar system. Image Credit: NASA/JPL/Caltech/Arizona
Few people can claim that their children learned to walk in the forests of Yosemite National Park. Professor An Yin, who has spent much of his 26 years at UCLA conducting fieldwork in Tibet, the Himalayas, and California, can. Having spent his graduate career investigating remote areas of Glacier National Park, Yin’s mountaineering experience equipped him for the challenging Asian fieldwork and tectonic research that earned him the Donath Medal from the Geological Society of America. “It was a frontier in an area that was not explored before, despite it being on Earth,” said Yin. “Knowing almost nothing about this large area, I tried to make a synthesis.” Nowadays, Yin spends less time in Tibet and the Himalayas, making only two trips a year, usually to drop off graduate students to conduct their own fieldwork. Instead, he has directed his interest toward the fledgling field of research known as planetary geology.
In 2008, Yin began applying his Earth geology expertise to landscapes he observed on other planets. “Having limited data to create a tectonic story in large areas of Asia gave me the know-how to explore planet-related problems,” Yin said. “The process turns out to be quite similar.” In his early days of Tibetan research Yin used satellite images to estimate locations of faults before going into the field; similarly, he uses satellite images to understand planetary geology from afar. Images today, however, provide more clues about the geology. “High-resolution images have revolutionized mapping and geologic interpretation,” said Yin. “We still can’t determine composition, but we can say for certain how much and in what manner a feature is offset from its original position.”
To explain the features he observes on Mars, Yin has developed a theory that invokes a one-plate tectonic system. Unlike Earth, which has 15 major tectonic plates that move continuously and are responsible for forming mountains and oceans, Mars has only one plate that moves very slowly. Moving at a pace 1000 times slower than those on Earth, Mars’ tectonic plate produces plate-boundary features like volcanoes and faults that materialize in a relatively small area and grow very large. Maps of Mars show that almost all its prominent features are confined to just one-third of the planet. Among these features are the colossal Tharsis Montes, three volcanoes so large they could fit 32 of Earth’s three-mile-high Andean volcanoes into the volume they occupy.
Although Mars’ features are grander, they share many characteristics with Earth’s terrain. This observation led Yin to contemplate the underlying processes that create the two planets’ surfaces. For not only Mars, but for many planetary bodies, the differences in these processes may be the result of their individual “evolutionary paths,” said Yin.
Piecing together the story of how a planet’s geology has changed over time requires Yin to use all the resources at his disposal. “The problem with planetary geology is that you see a static image,” he said, “the history is harder to show.” One way of revealing the history is by observing it. In Yin’s laboratory, he and his graduate students design sandbox experiments to reveal how faults, mountains, and valleys develop. While these experiments are intended to mimic natural conditions, they do not represent the exact history of any process, and act more as a guide to help determine whether their basic assumptions are correct.
From these experiments, Yin has determined that the histories of Mars and Earth are quite similar, differing only in their rates of evolution. “Mars is smaller and has less heat, so the driving engine is not as powerful as Earth’s,” said Yin. Although Mars and Earth appear to be quite similar, other planetary bodies may have very dissimilar evolutionary paths.
Yin’s newest foray into planetary science involves Enceladus, an icy moon of Saturn. He interprets the famous “Tiger Stripes” that periodically eject water vapor from its south pole as a product of the movement of the moon’s icy shell, and prefers to call them “Horsetails,” after a Himalayan feature they so closely mimic. While Yin can decipher portions of Enceladus’ history from its surface features, it remains unclear whether there is a global or localized ocean beneath the icy surface. “This is an actively debated subject,” said Yin, “but for now I can only tell the story of what happened.”
From the otherworldly geology he’s studied thus far, Yin has learned that “the planetary world is something that defies common sense in many respects. We have an idea of how a planet should develop and what it should look like, and we find exception after exception after exception.” Yin hopes that his continued interdisciplinary approach to planetary geology will result in observing “overlapping parts of commonality” between planets that could reveal more about planetary evolution as a whole.
Watch a video profile of An Yin here. Learn more about his research here.
This year’s Exploring Your Universe (EYU) event at UCLA will be held on Sunday, November 17th, 2013. Explore Your Universe is an annual event held on the UCLA campus that includes science exhibitions, hands-on activities, demonstrations and experiments. The event is free to the public and promises an exciting time and a great learning experience for kids and adults alike.
To read more about previous years’ EYU events and other iPLEX outreach events, please visit our outreach page and stay tuned for more updates!