Keck Institute for Space Studies Short Course: “Airships: A New Horizon for Science”
The Keck Institute for Space Studies (KISS) invites all interested researchers, faculty and students to attend the following short course:
Airships: A New Horizon for Science Tuesday, April 30, 2013
7:45 a.m. — Coffee and refreshments
8:15 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. — Short Course
Hameetman Auditorium, Cahill Building – Caltech
1216 E California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91125
Introducing Key Science Opportunities from Airships in —
· Earth Sensing and Atmospheric Science – Randall Friedl (JPL)
· Planetary and Small Bodies Science – Geoff Blake (Caltech)
· Astrophysics – Mike Werner (JPL) / Paul Goldsmith (JPL)
And an Overview of the Complementarity and Advantages of Airships as a Science Platform from:
· Robert Fesen (Dartmouth)
· Steven Lord (Caltech/IPAC)
· Jens Kauffmann (Caltech), and
· Sarah Miller (Caltech/UCR)
We also invite all members of the scientific community to submit poster abstracts to sbryant [at] caltech [dot] edu by April 19th for a poster session to be held during an informal lunch for all short course attendees.
Posters should present ideas for unique science which could take advantage of airship platforms operating at low (<20,000 ft.), medium (20-40,000 ft) or high altitude (+60,000 ft). This includes any mission concepts or components which can take advantage of airship flight longevity (weeks to years at a time), payload flexibility and secure recovery, maneuverability, and ease of communication/data-retrieval, whether in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Solar Science, Planetary Science, Astrophysics, Cosmology, and/or Gravitational Wave Physics.
Students and postdocs are especially encouraged to submit poster abstracts.
An informal lunch will be provided to all short course attendees. There is no fee to attend, and no registration is required. More detailed schedule information for the short course is available here:
Many exoplanets are on close-in orbits and are likely tidally synchronized. Atmospheric circulation affects the temperature distribution and thus transit observations of these planets. In particular, hot spots shifted by broad, steady, superrotating jets have been emphasized in the literature, but vortices can also play an important role. The scale of jets and vortices is expected to be large for this type of planets, which makes their possible time variability crucial. Our goal is to explore dominant circulation patterns and constrain conditions and mechanisms for variability on tidally locked exoplanets.
We use a general circulation model, solving the primitive equations with thermal relaxation. The parameter space relevant for tidally synchronized planets is explored, using the mini-Neptune GJ1214b and hot Jupiter HD209458b as reference planets. Furthermore, results are compared from models using different numerical algorithms and grids for a range of relevant test cases.
For a large range of conditions, robust features include a small number of jets and large-scale vortices. The vortices often exhibit time variability, associated with planetary scale waves, with corresponding variability in the position of relative hot and cold regions.
The results make a strong case for mission concepts such as ESA’s EChO, that emphasize repeated measurements of a given planet. The feedback between such observations and modeling offers an opportunity to gain new insights into exoplanet atmospheres from the time modulation of the signals, in addition to spatial variability.
Data extracted from the Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia ( show the existence of planets that are more massive than same-size iron cores. After meticulous verification of the data, we have concluded that the mass of the smallest of these planets was actually unknown. However, three high-density planets, Kepler-52b, Kepler-52c, and Kepler-57b, which are between 30 and 100 times the Earth mass, have indeed density larger than asame-size iron planet. This observation triggered the present study that investigates under which conditions these planets could represent the naked cores of gas giants that would have lost their atmospheres during their migration towards the star. The bulk viscosity of the cores of giant planets can indeed be large enough to hold a very high density during geological timescales. This would make those planets a new kind of planets which, in return, would provide useful information on the interior structure of the gas giants.
The active cryovolcanism on Enceladus and the formation of heavy organic molecules in Titan’s atmosphere are two major unrelated discoveries of the Cassini mission. These two end-member icy moons of Saturn reveal important processes for our understanding of the evolution of icy moons and their habitability potential. New observations by the Visual and Infrared mapping spectrometer (VIMS) onboard the Cassini spacecraft provide additional constraints on the geological processes responsible for the formation of Enceladus’ jets. The very strong correlation between the brightness of the overall plume and the true anomaly suggests a very strong control by tidal forces as expected by previous models. On Titan, the solar occultation observations provide constraints on the composition of the organic haze by comparing their spectral properties with those of heavy organic molecules synthetized in laboratory experiments simulating Titan’s conditions. These observations also give density profiles from which one can derive the flux of organic particle falling on Titan’s surface. These observations are included in a global model describing the carbon cycle on Titan and the relationships between the different reservoirs including atmospheric methane, organic haze, lakes, seas, dune fields, subsurface clathrate hydrates and a potential deep reservoir.
Our understanding of Jupiter and Saturn goes hand in hand with the availability and accuracy of observational constraints as well as of the equations of state for their main constituents, hydrogen and helium. We show how the current uncertainties in the core mass of Jupiter (0-10 ME) and Saturn (0-20 ME) could be reduced with the help of measured atmospheric oxygen abundances, which is in reach for Jupiter thanks to the Juno mission, and possibly also for Saturn. Given that both planets’ atmospheres are observed to be depleted in helium, we finally discuss the occurrence of H/He demixing with respect to recent ab initio data based H/He phase diagrams and argue that the assumption a layered structure with few layers remains a reasonable approximation. However, we caution that the derived total heavy element fraction is highly subject to our assumption of an adiabatic interior, which may not hold in case of He demixing.
Deep-sea chemosynthetic communities may be particularly vulnerable to large climatic changes that affect ocean temperatures and circulation patterns. Chemosynthetic animals occupy narrow redox zones, mostly at hydrothermal vents, hydrocarbon seeps, or sites of organic deposition where subsurface fluids laden with reduced gases (e.g., sulfides, methane, hydrogen) meet oxygenated seawater. Dependence on chemolithoautotrophic bacteria as primary producers renders these communities susceptible to climatic changes that alter the breadth of the oxic/anoxic interface. The fossil record reveals major transitions of chemosynthetic faunas during the middle to late Mesozoic, failing to support prior hypotheses that these environments harbor an extraordinary number of ancient relics and living fossils. The molecular phylogenetic analyses summarized herein support Cenozoic (<65 Myr old) radiations for most of the dominant invertebrate taxa now occupying these habitats. Although stem ancestors for many of the mollusks, annelids and crustaceans found at vents and seeps survived the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) extinction event, their contemporary crown taxa radiated mostly after the Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum (PETM), which led to a widespread anoxic/dysoxic event in the world’s deep-ocean basins. Perhaps these findings provide a window for viewing the future of our oceans on a warming planet.
Polar ice sheets are progressively becoming one of the most critical components of the Earth System. Indeed, in a warming climate, the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are contributing larger amounts of fresh water to the oceans, which results in increasing sea level rise. Here, we look at recent developments within the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM) that have resulted in improved projections of sea level rise. Our focus will be on understanding what uncertainties remain in such projections, and how to improve them using a combination of modeling and observations.
There is moderately strong evidence that the Earth experienced one or more magma ocean episodes during which large-scale magmas were at or close to the surface. Because the rates of heat loss is very high, such episodes could only be powered by impacts and the periods during which magma was exposed were very brief. It has been popular to discuss magma oceans in the Asteroid Belt; in particular, several studies have inferred that the HED (howardite, eucrite, diogenite) meteorites formed in a magma ocean on Vesta. In fact, it appears to be impossible to create true magma oceans in the Asteroid Belt because impact heating liberates less heat and 26Al heats at much too low a rate. What the authors really are discussing is global magmas located beneath an insulating megaregolithic shell. All igneous models of asteroids use 26Al as the heat source even though the 26Al/27Al ratios in the chondrites in our museums are too low to produce appreciable melting. The general justification is that impact heating doesn’t work so it must have been 26Al heating. In effect, 26Al is treated as a free parameter. Until recently this was justified because Hf/W model ages for iron meteorites implied that the irons are older than chondrites. And modelers are now producing large melt fractions in porous asteroids at relatively low impact velocities (~5 km s-1). The most cited paper justifying a magma ocean on the HED parent asteroid is by Greenwood et al. (2005) who showed that most HEDs formed a very tight cluster. The cluster does indeed imply a single, well mixed magma but the data only require a relatively small magma. In fact, the D17O and e54Cr data favor a model in which the HEDs form on the same asteroid as the IIIAB magmatic irons (and thus not on Vesta). Richter and Drake (1997) suggested that a magma ocean was the best way to explain the low alkali contents in eucrites. However, internal heating by 26Al is not expected to result in much volatile loss because there is no carrier phase at volatilization temperatures . Impact heat is probably much more efficient at evaporating alkalis. The isotopic links between the HEDs and IIIAB irons seem stronger than the spectroscopic links between HEDs and the surface of Vesta. These groups probably formed in one or more regional magmas produced by minor impacts on a porous asteroid.
In hopes of seeding ideas for joint UCLA-JPL projects, I will briefly
describe a half-dozen topics showing the capabilities at JPL for
modeling planet-forming environments in protostellar disks. The
common thread is our desire to translate the flood of data from
Spitzer, Herschel, SOFIA, ALMA, JWST and other telescopes into an
understanding of the origins of the observed population of planetary
systems. Specifically I’ll give a taste of our work on (1) young
planets perturbing their surroundings in ways that might soon be
observed, (2) delivering ices to planets massive enough to open a gap
in the circumstellar disk, (3) using molecular line emission to probe
turbulence in the disk atmosphere, (4) infrared variability as a gauge
of the disk magnetic activity, (5) the origins of Jupiter’s moons in a
circumplanetary disk, and/or (6) water abundances near the protosolar
disk’s snow line, in the face of destruction by stellar ultraviolet
Artist's concept of the Phoenix lander on the surface of Mars. In 2008, scientists were surprised to find that the substance perchlorate was present in the Martian soil. Photo credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
More than 50 of the world’s top Mars scientists gathered in Royce Hall last week to discuss whether life could survive on the red planet. Three dozen talks over two days covered topics ranging widely from the current liquid water activity on Mars to NASA’s planetary protection policies.
“The habitability of Mars is a pressing issue because we plan to send humans there in the next century,” said David Paige, a UCLA professor of Earth and space sciences and a co-organizer of the conference, held Feb. 4-5. “To do that in a responsible way, we should take into account that there could be an indigenous biosphere on Mars, and do our best to predict what would happen to any terrestrial organisms we might bring with us.”
Life is almost everywhere we look on Earth, but that’s not true for inhospitable Mars. Andrew Schuerger, an astrobiologist from the University of Florida and speaker at the conference, went so far as to list 17 separate environmental hazards that could freeze, irradiate or otherwise disrupt microbial life on the surface of Mars. Topping the list: powerful, microbe-frying, ultraviolet light from the sun; sub-zero temperatures; and a thin, oxygen-less atmosphere with pressure levels 100 times lower than those found on Earth.
Nonetheless, Schuerger and his colleagues have made it their mission to find the hardiest bacteria surviving in the harshest environments on Earth and to determine whether the tiny microorganisms could grow in Mars-like conditions. His search was rewarded with the discovery of several hypobarophiles, microorganisms that can grow in extremely low-pressure and low-temperature environments. While some of these single-celled survivors hail from the Canadian Arctic or the depths of Siberia, others live closer to home: Schuerger was particularly surprised to find hypobarophiles in a sample he took of human saliva.
Yet even the sturdiest of the hypobarophiles would shrivel without a stable source of liquid water, said Schuerger. While liquid water may be hard to come by on the Martian surface, there is plenty of evidence that water exists beneath the surface, according to Alfred McEwen, a planetary geologist from the University of Arizona.
First discovered from images taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in 2011, Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) are dark streaks that slowly creep down sun-facing crater rims and canyon walls during the Martian spring and summer and then fade in winter. The flow of liquid water, mixed with Martian salts several centimeters beneath the planet’s surface, may be responsible for tracing the finger-like patterns, though the source of the water is still unknown.
A color-enhanced image of the inside rim of Newton Crater on Mars. The dark streaks, called Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL), may represent current subsurface liquid water activity. The image was taken by an instrument onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
“The exact mechanism is not well understood,” said McEwen. “Given the seasonality and temperature dependence, we think a volatile must be involved, and briny water is the best candidate.”
While the formation of RSL may look remarkably like streaming water on Earth, McEwen is quick to put aside the notion, emphasizing that, on Mars, the trickle of briny water takes weeks to flow downhill and behaves more like “maple syrup slowly oozing down the slope.”
While liquid water on Mars may be subsurface and salty, one of the largest questions the conference dealt with was the role of perchlorate, a high-energy molecule toxic to most kinds of life.
In 1976, twin Viking spacecraft landed on the surface of Mars and analyzed the composition of Martian soil for signs of past or present life. Viking found only a single organic molecule, which the science team dismissed as a remnant of cleaning products used on Earth prior to launch. However, in 2008, an experiment onboard the Phoenix lander surprised scientists when it indicated the presence of perchlorate.
“Perchlorate is a double-edged sword,” said Paige. “It is a reactive molecule that destroys organic molecules, yet we find a variety of organisms on Earth that, in fact, use it to survive.”
If perchlorate, a common component in pyrotechnics and rocket fuel, was present in those early Viking samples, it may have completely destroyed any interesting organics the experiment was meant to measure. A reanalysis of the Viking results published more than 30 years later revealed that the single organic molecule the experiment detected was not the result of Earth-based contaminants as originally suspected, but instead the predicted byproduct of a perchlorate reaction.
“This could be a very exciting explanation for the Viking results that showed no organic molecules except one that could easily be residue from the combustion of perchlorate and organics,” said Paige. “This opens up a whole new set of possibilities that just weren’t there before the perchlorate molecule was discovered on Mars.”
Strong among these possibilities is the fact that perchlorates can draw atmospheric water vapor into liquid form. Liquid water produced in such a way on Mars could potentially provide hydration for microbes capable of surviving in the presence of the reactive perchlorate molecules. Just as important, when perchlorate mixes with water on Mars, it forms salty brine that freezes at a much lower temperature than pure water, which extends the range of potentially habitable conditions on Mars.
Solving the puzzle of whether life could survive in the harsh and varied environments of Mars requires a community of scientists from across many disciplines, said Paige.
“Many different types of scientists are involved, from researchers who study orbital images to biologists who grow microorganisms in petri dishes, and everyone in between,” he said. “To get such a diverse community together was a lot of fun.”
The conference, sponsored by the UCLA Institute for Planets and Exoplanets (iPLEX), the NASA Astrobiology Institute and the UK Centre for Astrobiology, is the first iPLEX meeting to be open for virtual participation. Nearly 50 participants watched the conference online, asking speakers questions via webchat. Nine talks were given remotely by speakers located as far away as the United Kingdom, Hungary and Russia.
iPLEX aims to advance research into planetary systems around the sun and other stars by facilitating interdepartmental collaboration. It is a joint venture bridging the interests of researchers in the departments of Earth and Space Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, and Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences.