JPL@UCLA Planets Day: Monday June 11, 11am – 3:30pm, UCLA Campus

This meeting is being held to follow-up on last years’ UCLA@JPL Planets day, and will be held on the UCLA campus on Monday, June 11. The idea behind these meetings is to improve science contacts between UCLA and JPL. The ultimate goal is a bridging organization (modeled on JIFRESSE but operationally different from it) that will make it easy and natural for scientists at one institution to spend science time at the other, so building stronger relations.

The meeting will consist of:

• brief overviews of current planetary and exoplanet research themes at UCLA

• interactions with UCLA planetary graduate students and postdocs

• tours of several laboratories in the Departments of Earth & Space and Physics and Astronomy.

Lunch will be provided and the arrival and departure times are selected to avoid traffic.

Please email David Jewitt if you have ideas, suggestions or requests for this meeting or for enhancing JPL-UCLA interactions.

SPECIAL NOTE: A separate, two-day conference on “Ices and Organics in the Inner Solar System” will be held at UCLA on June 12 and 13. If you are interested in this conference and wish to receive follow-up emails, please indicate so here.

March 8, 2012: Ingassing, Storage, and Outgassing of Terrestrial Carbon through Geologic Time

Raj Dasgupta
Rice University


The Earth is unique among the terrestrial planets in our solar system in having a fluid envelope that fosters life. The key behind Earth’s habitable climate is well-tuned cycles of carbon (C) and other volatiles. While on ten to thousands of year time-scales the chemistry of fluids in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere is dictated by fluxes of carbon between the near surface reservoirs, over million to billion years this is maintained by chemical interactions of carbon between the Earth’s interior, more specifically the Earth’s mantle, and the exosphere. This is because of the fact that the estimated total mass of C in the mantle is greater than that observed in the exosphere and the average residence time of carbon in the mantle is on the ≥1 Ga. But how did the Earth’s mantle attain and maintain the inventory of mantle carbon over geologic time and is the residence time of carbon in the mantle as constrained by the present-day fluxes a true reflection of the carbon ingassing and outgassing rates throughout the history? Also, when in the history of the planet carbon inventory of the mantle got established and how did it change through geologic time? The answers to these questions are important because understanding the origin and chemistry of carbon and how they regulate feedbacks between the planet’s interior and the atmosphere is of fundamental importance owing to far-reaching implications for a number of fields of natural sciences, such as the thermal history of the Earth, internal differentiation, long-term evolution of climate, and origin and evolution of life. Because the abundance and mode of storage of mantle carbon are central to carbon’s role in global geodynamics, it is critical to constrain the processes that modulated the carbon inventory of the Earth’s mantle through time. In this talk, I will try to review ingassing, outgassing, and storage mechanisms of terrestrial carbon, from the time period of early planetary differentiation and magma ocean in the Hadean to the plate tectonic cycles of the modern Earth through Phanerozoic.

Ices and Organics in the Inner Solar System Conference – June 12-13

Water, organics and other volatiles are widely distributed throughout the inner solar system. For example, we find volatiles in the interiors of terrestrial planets and asteroids, as solids in the cryospheres, polar caps and permanently shadowed regions of planets and asteroids, as liquids on the surface of Earth and possibly on Mars, as gases in atmospheres and exospheres and in icy objects recently scattered to the inner solar system from beyond the snow line. Volatiles have played a key role in determining the properties and evolution of inner solar system bodies, and are central to the origin and evolution of life. Despite this, our understanding of their sources and evolution is far from complete.

The UCLA Institute for Planets and Exoplanets (iPLEX) will host a two day interdisciplinary conference on the nature, distribution, origin and evolution of frozen volatiles and organics in the inner solar system. Topics will include:

• Polar ice and permafrost on planets and asteroids
• Delivery of terrestrial planet atmospheres and oceans
• Water and organics in comets
• Liquid water habitats in the inner solar system

The conference format will include summary talks as well as contributed papers, with time set aside for discussion and questions. Attendance is limited to 60 participants and pre-registration is required (see below).


Meeting Logistics & Registration

The conference will take place at Royce Hall on the UCLA campus. Information about meeting location, transportation and nearby accommodations is provided on the Logistics Page.

The second announcement and call for abstracts will be on April 3rd. Final deadline for abstract submission is May 25th. There is no fee required to pre-register, however a $75 fee will be requested upon acceptance of a submitted abstract to cover the cost of refreshments and dinner. Guests are advised to book their accommodations early as hotels are expected to fill up well in advance due to the UCLA graduation ceremony occurring the same week. Guests who wish to attend the conference must pre-register by clicking on the button below.

[button link=”” color=”teal”]Pre-Registration [/button]

Tentative Program

Day 1 Day 2
Morning session Morning session
Overview of frozen volatiles and organics in the inner solar system Volatiles and organics on the Moon
Origin of the Earth’s volatiles Volatiles and organics on Mercury
Afternoon Session Afternoon Session
Volatiles and organics in Comets Volatiles and organics on Mars
Volatiles and organics on Asteroids Liquid Water Habitats in the Inner Solar System
Dinner at the UCLA Faculty Center


Click here for the second announcement and call for abstracts.

March 1, 2012: Europa’s Great Lakes

Britney Schmidt
University of Texas


With an icy exterior covering a global ocean, Europa has long been a target of interest in the search for life beyond Earth. Europa exists in a dynamic environment, subject to intense irradiation and impact as well as immense tides from Jupiter. These processes deliver important thermal and chemical energy that could be critical to supporting a putative biosphere. In the past few decades the debate about habitability of Europa has been focused strongly on the thickness of the ice shell. However, an arguably more critical question is: how does the ice shell recycle? New analysis of Europa’s enigmatic “chaos terrains,” indicates that chaos features form in the presence of a great deal of liquid water, and that large liquid water bodies exist within 3km of Europa’s surface comparable in volume to the Great Lakes. The detection of shallow subsurface “lakes” implies that the ice shell is recycling rapidly and that Europa may be currently active. In this presentation, we will explore environments on Europa and their analogs on Earth, from collapsing Antarctic ice shelves to to subglacial volcanoes in Iceland. I will present these new analyses, and describe how this new perspective informs the debate about Europa’s habitability and future exploration.

Feb. 23, 2012: Towards inferring fault rheological properties and predicting future earthquake patterns from seismographs

Yoshihiro Kaneko (UCSD)

Study of the earthquake source brings about a set of fascinating interdisciplinary problems characterized by nonlinearity, a broad range of spatial and temporal scales, rare but catastrophic events, competing physical mechanisms, remote observations, inverse problems, non-uniqueness, and substantial societal significance. The ultimate challenge is to understand and quantify factors controlling the spatio-temporal behavior of active faults, including earthquake nucleation, seismic patterns, and the interaction of seismic and aseismic fault slip. My research aims to address this challenge by developing realistic physical models of earthquake source over several seismic cycles that rely on recent dramatic advances in observations, computational resources, and laboratory experiments. The goal is to use the models in conjunction with seismic, geodetic, and geological observations to constrain earthquake-source properties in terms of experimentally-derived constitutive laws, and then to study the potential set of future behaviors. Here, I will present two examples that illustrate this approach. In the first one, numerical modeling is used to establish the relation between variations in fault friction properties, the pattern of interseismic coupling (which characterizes the degree of fault locking between seismic events), the properties of earthquake sequences, and the observable characteristics of individual seismic events. The second example presents an innovative method for inferring fault friction properties based on comparison of numerical simulations and geodetic observations, which is applied to the central section of the North Anatolian fault (Turkey).